Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ten on Tuesday!

Here is my attempt at ten on Tuesday!

  1. Ansley is getting baptized on Sunday! Grandma Carolyn made her cristening gown and it is beautiful! She's getting baptized at the same church we got married at. We have lots of family and friends that are planning to attend and I'm thinking mexican food to celebrate afterwards!
  2. Loving my new bathroom makeover! My husband did a great job of putting everything in its place! He found it at walmart and I love the colors!
  3. As I look around my house, we are surrounded by baby toys! Its driving me crazy and our house isn't big enough for all this! baby swing, bouncer, jumperoo, play mat, toys and more toys everywhere!
  4. Congrats to Brad and Whitney on their Valentine's day engagement! We are so happy for you two and can't wait for the upcoming wedding in August!
  5. Ansley's current change in sleeping habits is about to kill me! We have been up every two hours for the past 2 nights! If this isn't a growth spurt I'm in big trouble!
  6. I received a hat loom from Zach's parents on Christmas and attempted to make a hat over the holiday season, but it didn't turn out quite right! I started another one on Sunday and I believe this one is going to be a success. I also bought some green yarn at walmart to make Ansley a St. Patricks day hat! Its also Zach's birthday! The big 25 this year! Can you say good-bye mid 20's.
  7. Ready for spring! This cold and snow that we have been getting is a little toomuch for me and can't wait to play outside this spring and take Ansley on walks!
  8. We have a spring project that we are going to start as soon as it starts warming up. We are going to build a DECK! I'm super excited and I think we will be outside a lot this summer enjoying our fun in the sun and BBQ's!
  9. Thanks to Laura I have updated my blog and have gotten some great idea's from her post on Scrapbook Funattic! I'm going to give the NO flash a try this week! Go check out her post and I'm sure you will learn a lot!
  10. Check out Brandy's blog if you haven't already! She is being very crafty and I'm loving all the things she has made for Ansley! Thanks B

1 comment:

  1. Lovin' your "10 on Tuesday" post! Looking forward to seeing Miss Ansley baptized on Sunday :) Sorry that her sleeping habits have taken a turn for the worse. Hopefully it's just a temporary/growth spurt thing. Barrett went through those, and thankfully they didn't last too long.

    I'm excited to see pictures of the hats your making and of your new deck this Spring! You will love that! I too am VERY ready for warmer weather so B and I can get out to play and go on walks.
