Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I'm not a BOY daddy!

I'm sure this is what she was thinking when her daddy put her in this camo outfit! I have to admit that she did look pretty darn cute and the orange head band really set it off! :) She looks like she's ready to go hunting with daddy!

Ansley has been fighting a cold for the past couple of days. It started Monday when she woke up from her evening nap. We took her to the doctor Tuesday morning and he said she had a cold and if it wasn't better in a few days to come back. Teresa went to walmart for us to get her some Vicks baby rub and a Vicks humidifier. Thanks grandma. She seems to be on the mend today and her nose isn't running as much! So lets hope she's better.

first rose from daddy! We both got flowers last week! I got some beautiful tulips!

enjoying her bath in soothing vapor rub! If you haven't tried this stuff you should its great for colds! just add it to the water!

1 comment:

  1. Im using the bottle that looks like a boob. They said to use a slow flow. She doesnt seem to stay full when I give her a bottle. She also eats a lot more using a bottle. Weird. Ansleys camo outfit is Adorable!
