Friday, March 12, 2010


Wow, its been a while since I've blogged and I am missing it! It has been a crazy couple of weeks! I've been so busy at work that by the time I get home I am completely exhausted! After I play with Ansley and we get her ready for bed I can barely keep my eyes open!

Anyway, Ansley Baptism went great! She was a perfect angel through the baptism! She was asleep when we started the baptism, but shortly woke up after the bright lights were shining in her eyes! She never made a sound and didn't mind the "water" on her head! I forgot my camera so i'm stealing pics from Zach's parents! After the basptism was over things went from great to bad real quick! She started fussing and crying and was burning up from the dress! Zach's dad and I quickly exited the church and changed her clothes, but she still wasn't happy. I tried feeding her, but she wasn't liking that either! So needless to say we spent the remainder of the service in the lobby area. I hate it when she gets fussy becasue everyone turns around and stares at you. I'm sure they don't mean anything by it, but I still feel terrible!

After chruch we went to eat mexican food! Lots of family attended the lunch and it was great seeing everyone! Thanks to everyone that attended, we greatly appreciate your love and support! Here are a few pics from her big day! :)
trying her dress on before the big day!

After church

great gma taking care of Ansley before church started

The baptism

Pastor Beth Wilke! What a sweet lady!

I know this dress took Zach's grandma a while to make! She is so crafty and we are so blessed to have her in our lives! She did a great job on the dress and we couldn't of asked for anything better! As I was putting it on her for the first time I told her and Teresa that it looks like a wedding dress! It's form fitting around the waist and widens out at the hips just like a wedding dress! :) It is beautiful and I even joked that maybe when Ansley gets married her flower girl could wear this dress.

Thank you again Carolyn! We will be putting this with all her other keepsakes and she will forever know that you made her baptism dress! I'm sure she will love it just as much as we do!!

Yesterday, I turned 26! Yes, I know i'm getting old and i'm feeling it too! :) I worked all day and after I got home Zach, Ansley and I went out to dinner. After 45 minutes of waiting on our food and Ansley decided she was getting hungry and tired we decided to take our food to go! Ansley is spending the night with Zach's parents on Saturday so we can celebrate! I'm not sure what were doing yet but, since Zach's birthday is Wednesday we will celebrate together!

Ansley is having big HUGE issues with constipation! She will go 3 or 4 days without pooping! She gets really cranky that third day and nothing seems to help. I tried apple juice and the rectal thermometer again, but nothing seemed to help. I finally called the doctor yesterday and they suggested over the counter supositories. Zach's mom picked Ansley up from the babysitter yesterday and she got the privilege of inserting that! :) She pooped right away and again a few minutes later! She was feeling a lot better after that and slept better last night! (She was getting up every 2 hours the last couple of nights). Zach let me sleep last night and he got up with Ansley. What a great bday present! Thank you honey!

I'm working today, but off the rest of the weekend! Hope everyone has a good weekend!


  1. Late Happy Birthday to you!! Hope Ansley is doing better :-( She is so pretty in her dress!!

  2. OMG she is sooo cute Melissa!!! Happy Bday! Hope you had a great day. Soon I will be joining you on O days!!!
