Friday, November 13, 2009

Why am I up??

Well here it is 4am and I am up looking at blogs and counting contractions! I've been up since 1230 with of course contractions! They are no where close enough for me to go to the hospital, but they sure hurt. Right now I'd say I'm having braxton hicks contractions and are lasting about 20-40seconds.

I'm suppose to be at work today, but called in at 1245 when I started getting contractions, but I'm pretty sure I was having contractions yesterday.

My husband is an early riser so maybe in a couple of hours he will be up to entertain me for a while longer, but I'm pretty sure today is the day!!


  1. OHHH YAY! Hang in there!! I can't wait to hear!!

  2. Soooo exciting! I hope you're at the hospital right now having that baby :) Can't wait to hear and see pics of the sweet little thing!
