Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Not sleeping beauty!!!

At least not for her pictures yesterday! She is every other time :). Yesterday morning we had Ansley's newborn pictures taken or we at least attempted. Laura came over at 1oam to take her pictures and any other day even today that time would have been perfect, but not yesterday! We were up most of that night and I just knew that she would sleep, but she was wide awake and not very happy most of the time. She ate 30min before Laura got her and ate again 15min after she arrived. As she was naked she started pooping and pooped on Zach, her swing and chaning pad!! After an hour of Laura being here I asked if she could come back because i really want pictures of her sleeping and naked in all the cute things that Laura had brought. So take two is scheduled for next Tuesday at 9:30 so wish us luck and again my apologies to Laura.

Ansley is continuing to do well eating and pooping and sleeping like every little newborn. If i could only get her to sleep 4 hours in a row at night and not in the day things would be perfect, but oh well she is perfect and thats all that matters.

I continue to worry about every little thing from germs to being too cold and of course SIDS. I can be soooooo tired at night, but i think what if she stops breathing and then of course I can't sleep becasue I have to get up and check on her. We even have the monitor that detects if she isn't breathing after 15 seconds, but i still continue to worry. Awww the worries of a first time mom. Speaking of mom's my mom came over to help watch Ansley this morning. Zach went to help my dad sort cattle, so she came to visit for the morning. Thanks again.

We have a small wedding to attend to Saturday morning and that will be our first trip out with little Ansley, besides from her doctors appointment on Friday. I don't understand why Doctors don't make house visits when it comes to newborns. So now I'll be sitting in the offce Firday morning looking around at all the sick people and stressing that they are going to get us sick!! UGH. I think I'm starting to sound like a crazy mom and she's not even a week old yet lol.

5 Days Old!!!


  1. Melissa-
    That is what new mom's do is worry, and to be honest I was even like that with our second child. When they are that little they can get anything it seems like. Don't worry you will get over all of this in no time. She is such a doll, congrats to you and Zach. I know you all with be wonderful parents. Enjoy while she is little it won't last long. Best wishes.

    Natasha (Holcomb) Herrell

  2. Melissa,

    I just read your post and Natasha is right...EVERY new mom worries. And although I have been a mom for five years now, I still worry. The worries change, but they are still there. It goes from SIDS to now H1N1 (in a state of paranoia about that one these days!) and what naughty things they are learning from their friends at school. So the worry is always there...that is just the way it is when you love someone with every fiber of your being. But you learn to adjust and live with it! Promise!

    Just make sure you keep the "thing" (it's been so long I can't even remember what it is called!) on her carseat up and stick a blanket over it so no one can see her at the doctor's office. Hopefully that will keep all the little sickies and their germs away! Just remember, as Ansley's parents, every decision you guys make is out of complete and utter love for your baby and you can't go wrong with that.

    Hope you are getting some rest!! Hang in there!
