Sunday, October 4, 2009

Loved by so many!!

Last weekend I had another baby shower, given to me by my cousin Kristi, and my two great friends Jamie and Brandy! It was a great shower and the decorations were beautiful! The girls really out did themselves! :) Since Ansley's room is pink and brown so were the decorations at the baby shower! Brown and pink cupcakes that my mom and aunt made were delicious! So girly and fun! We got tons of great gifts and she is already loved by so many! Only 6 more weeks til her arrival!!

table decorations

the gifts were put into this crib! Love this idea! This is actually Kristi's crib for her new little one that still remains nameless lol

I love this idea!

Yummy cupcakes!

Can you believe that all 4 of us are pregnant! lol! I can't believe that we will have four children all the same age! I can't wait to see what the future holds for all of our children! As you can see from the pictures Kristi and I are the fats ones. (We both say were fat so don't worry she won't be offended) I was 33 weeks, kristi: 25, Jamie: 18 and Brandy: 9.

sorry not the greatest pic

Things have been a little bitter sweet in our household this past week! Zach was officially laid off. I missed him so much in the evenings when he was working, but I know know this is going to be a long process with no job. I tell him all the time that I'm jealous that he will get to stay at home with Ansley when I go back to work. I know he will enjoy his one on one time with her, but I wish it was me staying at home (I hope that doesn't sound selfish, but all of you know that I want to be a stay at home mom).

Have a great week and thank you to everyone that attended the baby shower! Thanks Jamie, Brandy and kristi you girls are great friends!!


  1. What a beautiful shower. zthat is so neat that you will all have little ones so close in age-how fun!

  2. How fun that you're all prego at the same was the same way with me and my close girlfriends! Looks like a great shower. I love the gifts in the crib idea and the cupcakes look yummy :)
