Thursday, August 9, 2012

Pictures: Karson 1 year

Brandy took our pictures last weekend and did a fabulous job! :) Thanks B, so glad you were able to capture so many good pictures! :)

 sassy little thing

 my favorite family pic

yep, he's almost 1

 love this!

 another fav


  1. tears in my eyes ♥♥♥ Sweet pics! Love all of them. The one you are both holding kids up is SOOO cute!! Karson one. Can't be!! He's a sweetie & I love watching both your kids :))

  2. Those are GREAT pics!
    You each have a mini me...K looks just like you and A looks just like her daddy!

  3. The pictures are perfect; you guys have a beautiful family and we are so proud of you guys and thankful to be part of it!!! Love you guys.
