Thursday, May 13, 2010

6 Months

Here we are again, another month has gone by so that means new milestones for my chunky monkey as well as more pics! Today we still have a runny nose, cold and a slight fever. Poor little thing sounds terrible and I'm starting to think that her cough sounds like croup!! Ugh! We went to the new doctor on Tuesday for her cold symptoms. He told us it was just a virus. Zach took her to see him since I was at work and he seemed to like him, but we go back on Monday for shots. I'll be taking her Monday and that will be the true test to see if I like him or if I made a huge mistake by switching doctors.
At 6 months Ansley is:
  • Sitting up with no help and has been for a couple of weeks!
  • Eating baby food and loving it
  • while laying on her back can scoot backwards (does this mostly at night in her crib)
  • Thinks that rolling over is overrated these days since she can sit up :) (hasn't rolled over in weeks)
  • wears size 2 diaper and 3-6 month clothes. At night I've been putting her in 6-9 month sleepers for the arm length
  • Started eating mum mums
  • started playing with a sippy cup (hasn't really figured out the drinking part yet and since she's been sick I haven't even given it to her)
  • seems to eat every 4-5 hours. I tried feeding her every 3 hours and she just isn't hungry
  • seems like her puking is slowing down
  • Tried staying the night with my parents last weekend, but mom called at 1130 becasue she wouldn't quit crying! We were in Wichita at a going away party for my partner and left to find her sleeping away in the crib lol
  • Is about to outgrow the bouncer. She only sits in it while I'm getting ready in the mornings but I think in another month we will have to put it in storage
  • been taking more and more naps in her swing. Don't really like the idea, but  whatever will get her to nap
  • Still loves the exersaucer
  • her hair is really starting to grow and is getting lighter. I'm thinking she is going to have dirty blonde hair
There is 6 months for you! Chunky Monkey I love you so much and can't imagine my life without you. You are perfect in every way and melt my heart on a daily basis! The excitement on your face when I get home from work is the number one reason why you complete me! Love you bunches






  1. 6 months already!! I can't believe it :-)

  2. Love the way you new mothers are doing the stuffed animal with the babies. Wish I had thought of that with my kids, it sure shows how they grow! She is growing like a weed.

  3. WOW...what an adorable 6-month-old :) It has gone fast, and she changed so much from the 4 mo. and 6 mo. pics!! Can't wait to see her next weekend!!
