Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sick babies!

O, my little one's have been giving us run for our money. Its been well over a week and I think we are finally on the mend! Poor Karson was diagnosed with an ear infection on Friday February 17 and was started on antibiotics. Zach and I had plan's with some awesome friends in Wichita the next day, and I really second guessed myself about going, but in the end we went and had a great time. Ansley stayed with my parents and Karson stayed with Zach's. I just felt like Karson needed some one on one cuddle time, so I decided to split them up for the day. On Sunday, I felt like Karson wasn't getting any better and had a cold/cough that sounded horrible. Finally, around 8pm I took him to the er. He was diagnosed with RSV. :( We were started on breathing treatments and sent home. Poor baby was so sick. I remember changing his poopy diaper while he was asleep and he never woke up! :(  Ansley had started getting a cold while we were gone in Wichita. We had a follow up appointment a few days later for Karson and it was confirmed that Ansley now had an ear infection and a horrible cold that went with it. Karson still had the ear infection and was started on yet another round of antibiotics. We are going to see and ear, nose and throat doctor in a couple of weeks to see about getting tubes placed in both kid's ears. This is probably Ansley's sixth ear infection in 2 years and Karson's fifth or sixth in 6months! :( Our doctor thought that Ansley's horrible cough was related to Karson's RSV and he advised us to give her breathing treatments, as needed. She only had to get one and seems to be much better these days. We actually went to music today!! :) It was time for us to get back into our activities! Both kids are still on their antibiotics and Ansley hates taking her medicine, but we keep telling her that it will make her feel much better. Hopefully, we are over this crud and can get back to enjoying the weather! :)    *this post is very late*

Vick's bath

They can still pose, even though they both were sick

o, yes and we can't forget that after eating yogurt bites, this one broke out in hives!! I swear this boy is more high maintence than Ansley! Poor guy was itching all over!! :(  I'm not sure what we will do if we ever move and Brandy and I don't have each other to get medical advise from! :)

Ansley's one and only breathing treatment. Karson on the other hand had several

K's 6month pic! Diagnosed with RSV just a few hours later! :(

Sucker's for taking her medicine


  1. The kids are getting so big! Sorry to hear they have been sick...that is NOT FUN! Take care.

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