Already?! Time is really flying by and i only have a couple of weeks until i have to go back to work! Ansley seems to be feeling a lot better and is back to nursing!! This month she has really changed! When we went to the doctor on Tuesday she weighed 11lbs 10oz and was 23inches long! She has really grown from 7lbs 6oz and 20inches at birth. Here's what she's been up to in the last 4 weeks:
- has really discovered her hands and always has them in her mouth
- started grabbing the toys on her bouncer/play mat
- talks/coo's a lot
- smiles whenever we talk to her
- hates tummy time
- started losing her hair in the back from where she sleeps
- kicks her feet like crazy
- still eats every 2-3 hours
- isn't sleeping through the night, but hopefully after were feeling better she will
- has to wear a bib 24/7 because she pukes so much
- is wearing 0-3 month clothes and #1 diapers
still loves her binkey - had Tylenol for the first time this week
Next week we go in for her 8 week shots! were a week behind due to her being sick and mommy being scared :)
2 months
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