Monday, December 7, 2009

tis the season

Let me start off by saying that Ansley's newborn pictures are up!! They are great and I'm not sure how we will ever pick! Click here and go to enter site then click on clients on the bottom. You will see Ansley's name and you can view all of them. Laura took my sisters senior pics again this time in winter attire!! You can also view them under clients and Alicia 2010!! I'm not sure why she needed two sessions of senior pics, but they look great! Thanks Laura you did an amazing job on both!!! We are all very pleased and lots of money will be headed you way :) lol.

Ansley had another busy weekend! She went to church for the first time and went to see Santa! My dad works at GE and they had a free GE deal where you got to visit Santa and receive a 2 dollar bill! She was all dressed up in her Santa onesie with her pink, black and white tutu! She slept while she had her picture taken, but I'm sure she loved it. We even had our family pic taken with good ol' saint nick! And we couldn't visit Santa without both grandparents. I swear we looked like the paparazzi with all 3 cameras taking pics! :)

I've been concerned for a while now with Ansley and all the spitting up she does after eating! After this weekend of projectile vomiting all day on Saturday i decided to take her to the doctor today. She was suppose to go Friday for her one month check up, but i decided that I didn't want to wait. I believe that its the mexican food i ate on Friday that caused the projectile vomiting and by Sunday it was gone, but she still spits up a lot! I'm talking a bib and burp cloth soaked after some feedings!!!! CRAZY!! But my little chunky monkey weighs 9lbs 2oz!! I couldn't believe it! The doctor told me that some babies just spit up more that others and that she probably has a small case of acid reflux, but he didn't want to do anything about it since she was gaining weight. So i guess we will both continue to be covered in puke! If anyone has any solutions I'm all ears!! I've heard about taking babies to the chiropractor and that he can help somehow, so i might call ours this week! She also has a mild case of thrush. A yeast infection in her mouth. We are starting medication for that, but the pharmacy was so busy that they haven't had time to fill the prescription yet, so I'm still waiting to see what they put her on. Other than that she is a happy healthy baby that is growing like crazy.

Ansley also still has her umbilical cord stump! She is 24 days old and of course i was worried about that today too, but the doctor said it looks fine and will fall off soon! I sure hope so because it is getting old cleaning that nasty looking thing.

I believe we are all ready for Christmas! The tree is up, all 4 of them actually! The lights are on the house and they look great! Thanks honey. I've started wrapping gifts and we are almost done Christmas shopping. I'm hoping to make our last trip to Wichita this weekend to buy for Zach and to get a few other things!

Have a great week

mommy & Ansley by our new fake tree :)

Getting ready for Church in our fashionable hat gma Teresa got her plus shes wearing the bracelet she got her too!! I love having a girl :)

Santa's little helper! His hair and beard are real! Love it!

I love this outfit!

Family pic with Santa


  1. look GREAT!! Seriously!! But WHERE did you get that outfit? The pink and black Santa one? Because that is WAAAAYYYY too cute for words! OH MY GOODNESS! LOVE it!!

  2. It was tooooo cold to chat outside of Wal-Mart on Friday. Wanted to let you know that you look great! I have checked out the pictures and what a cutie. I am glad that Ansley is growing..growing...growing--It happens way to fast. 9.2 is a good wt that is how much my Lydia weighed at birth :) When are you heading back to work and who is watching your little angel?

  3. I'm so glad you liked the pics! I love to work with your family :) Good luck deciding! That outfit is adorable...totally looks like something Bethany would have for Gentry!
